To make available the most affordable amenities, which will protect and enhance quality of life and property values of our unique community!

Next Property Owners Association Meeting
Property Owners Association meeting at the Ranch House at 6:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month.
Special POA Meeting 3/25/25 at 6:30pm at the Ranch House to discuss amending bylaws, raising dues, and upcoming POA election.
Boat Slip Silent Auction 4/1/25 at Annual POA Meeting at 6:30pm at the Ranch House
Elections in April for new board members! Please let us know if you're interested in running for the POA Board.
If you have past dues, please contact The Tax Place
at 806-796-7170 to pay them ASAP.
Town of Ransom Canyon​
The City Council regularly meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at City Hall unless posted otherwise within 72 hours.
City Hall
24 Lee Kitchens Drive
Ransom Canyon, Texas 79366-2299
Main: (806) 829-2470
Email: equintanilla@townofransomcanyon.org
Emergency Operations
1 Ridge Road
Ransom Canyon, Texas 79366
Police: (806) 829-2600
Fire/EMS: (806) 829-2123