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The Echo - September 2017


Welcome to the month of September, Ransom Canyon! Fall in west Texas is synonymous with cooler mornings, back-to-school activities and football! As we enjoy all that fall brings may we also look to how we, as Ransom Canyon citizens, can make our town a better place to live. If you have ideas that you believe would improve our town, run for public office or volunteer on the POA board. The information provided below will provide you information about what is happening in your community. Do you want to be more involved? Email the RC Property Owners Association Board

A Message from the RC POA Board:

Accounting/Bookkeeping Update Our new automated accounting/bookkeeping will be sending statements over the next week to any property owners that show a balance due on 2017 Property Owner dues.

Here is what we ask of you: if you receive a statement and you still owe for your dues, please pay within 30 days and there will be no late fees charged. If you feel your statement is in error, please follow instructions on statement and send us record of payment and we will get it corrected immediately. We apologize in advance but as with any new systems they are subject to a few startup problems. As we get the system fully up and running there will be some neat features that will provide options that allow you to pay debit/credit card, bank drafts right from the statement.

Legal Update on Amended By-Laws and Deed of Restrictions To Be Compliant with All Local, State and Federal Regulations Michael McCauley, our real Estate Attorney, has provided the first draft of updating and amending the By-Laws and a Management Certificate for Ransom Canyon Property Owners Association. A board sub-committee is reviewing and will provide information back to Mike that he has requested. Once that has been done, it will then be presented to the board for adoption. Mike is continuing to work on the amendments that update the 1965 Deed of Restrictions and the board should expect to see the first draft over the next few weeks. This will be the document that will also speak to the ability to increase annual POA Dues.

On Property Owner Concerns Concerning Fireworks and Loud Music in the Canyon At the September board meeting, there will be discussion and a recommendation to adopt a new renter use contract that will be forwarded to our attorney to make sure we are in covering ourselves in all areas.

Property Owner Steering Committee Meeting Changes & Request For Additional Volunteers The first general meeting, followed by individual steering committee breakout sessions took place Tuesday, August 29th. Very positive and some lively discussions took place by 30 energized volunteers representing Finance & Strategic Planning, Community Activities and Events, the Pool, Island Landscaping & Community Beautification.

While we had good representation for community activities and events committee, there is a need find a couple of volunteers that will step up and co-lead this committee. This committee also needs more volunteers to help execute the specific activity/event that property owners have told us they would like us to host. Without the additional volunteer help this committee will be limited in what can be provided. Please give us a little bit of your time and join the Community Activities & Events Committee.

A request from Julee Becker, RC resident and the Slaton ISD Superintendent:

We in Slaton ISD have been praying for a way to help victims of Hurricane Harvey and today an incredible opportunity was presented. Goose Creek ISD, located in Baytown Texas is a district similar to ours; hardworking people who live in a supportive, diverse and caring community. I lived in Baytown and a friend of mine, Christi Tucker Lackey is a reading specialist there. Today we were talking about the stress educators there are under. Goose Creek starts school in a week and while many educators have received an initial $500.00 payment for housing help, they have lost literally everything! Imagine trying to get ready in the morning to go teach and take care of students with no clothing, toiletries or even underclothing. Double K Transport, a West Texas Trucking Company has offered to drive a semi and provide fuel to deliver much needed items specifically for Goose Creek ISD educators and their families before school starts. We will be working directly with Goose Creek and their staff so we know that this effort will be successful! We will be accepting donations at Slaton ISD Central Office (140 E Panhandle Ave.) beginning Tuesday, September 5th at 8:00 AM. Think about what you need to get you and your family ready for school each day! Everything you're thinking of is needed! You probably have extras of some of these items lying around your house.

Specific needs: Work Clothing of all sizes Shoes of all sizes New underwear and socks of all sizes Blow dryers, curling irons, straighteners, brushes, combs, New shampoo, conditioner, styling products Soap, shaving items, deodorant

If you would prefer to make a cash donation, please use the link here: Support Goose Creek

Community ideas, input and involvement is critical to the success of our Ransom Canyon POA. As we move into the next chapter of our POA we have many important decisions facing us. With help from property owners, working together with the POA Board, we can develop and execute plans that will offer the changes and amenities that will serve to better meet the needs of the property owners.

Meeting Dates & Times: The 4th Tuesday each month 6:00-7:30 pm, at the Ranch-House volunteer steering committee meetings will take place.

Tuesday, Sep 26 Tuesday, Oct 24 Tuesday, Nov 28 No Meeting in December

Each meeting will start with a quick overall POA update then break into individual committees to work on action plans that meet the needs of property owners. The meeting will close with brief 3-minute update from each committee to everyone attending.

Steering Committee Leads prior to each meeting should prepare agendas, ask someone to take good notes and create recap from each meeting that can be shared with the POA Board and Heidi Wilson for insertion in the Echo Newsletter. If committee’s have specific needs such as additional volunteers for specific activities include that in the recap and so Heidi Wilson can make a plea in the Echo to our property owners.

Please get involved and help make a difference. Questions? Email us!

The Social Events & Activities The Social Events & Activities Steering Committee is planning on several fall & winter family events for the coming months. We have lots of great ideas and suggestions, and are currently attempting to fine-tune these ideas into actual events. Currently, the Social Events & Activities Steering Committee is focused on planning the 2nd Annual Taste of Ransom Canyon, a Culinary Event scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 1st from 6 to 9 PM at the Ranch House. Lucky attendees will have their palates treated to an array of specially selected samples of delicious entrees, desserts, wines, and beers. Look for information about ticket purchases on the POA website, Nextdoor, The Slatonite, and City Hall. Each ticket will sell for $30, and only 350 tickets will be sold. Get your tickets early to guarantee your tasting experience! If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact Georgette McPherson 745-7022; Val Meixner 445-0470

The New POA Website

The RC POA has been fortunate to have Ron Gaddis as our webmaster for as many years as we have had a website. Thank you, Ron, for all your many hours of creating, editing and sharing your talents with our community. A new era of the Ransom Canyon POA website is almost ready for you to navigate. It is a work in progress and so things will change from time to time; until we get it just right. A big "thank you" to Cassie Wenzel for volunteering her expertise to the POA. It is our hope that you will pay your yearly POA dues, Ranch House rentals and pool memberships electronically through the website. This is another avenue in which we, as the POA, want to be totally transparent with you.

The winners of the September Yard of the Month are #34 Sioux (Ralph & Patricia Chilton) and #53 East Canyon View (JR & Jeretta Landry). Thank you to these homeowners who make our canyon a beautiful place to live. These homes have a "YOM" sign in their yard to recognize their homes - go and check them out! Thank you to Berkshire Hathaway Realtors: Becky Harvey, Phyllis Lutrick, Ron Mouser and to McDougal Relator: Sue Keveryn, for sponsoring the "YOM" signs. The Beautification Committee of the RC POA will award 2 YOM winners (1 in the canyon and 1 on top of the canyon) in the months April-December.

A Message from the Chapel Can you believe that it is a only 5 months until Christmas?! As a result, we are beginning to plan for the 2017 Christmas Tour of Homes! It will be on Dec. 14th 6:30-9:00 pm. As many of you know, this is the main fundraiser for our Ransom Chapel Memorial Chapel and has been a fabulous event promoting our community for 32 years!

If you would like to have your home on the Tour this year, please call me! If you would like to be on our planning committee, please call me! If you have any questions, please call or email me!

Look forward to hearing from you! Carol Farris 829-2637, email.

A Message from the Mayor: Since many of you have expressed a concern about your taxes, I am happy to announce that your City Council has worked together to propose the effective property tax rate of .612933 at the last City Council meeting. You can view this information by visiting the City website at and viewing the Truth in Taxation under the Government tab. This will be voted on for the adoption at the upcoming City Council meeting on September 19, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ranch House. I have promised to give you a voice in your city government and I want to continue to do so. In return, I ask that you please

  • Be recognized by the Mayor before speaking

  • Stay on the topic being discussed

  • Limit your speaking time to 3 minutes

  • Be respectful

Following these simple rules should help our meetings to run smoothly and efficiently. Thank you for your interest in what is going on in our city and for your participation, ideas and information. It is you, the citizens we serve and I look forward to seeing you soon. Billy Williams

CALENDAR September 2-4 last pool weekend September 4 Labor Day - no charge at the pool September 11 RC POA Board meeting ~ 6:00pm ~ The Ranch House September 19 Ransom Canyon City Council Meeting~ 6:30pm ~ The Ranch House September 26 Steering Committee meetings ~ 6:00pm-7:15pm ~ The Ranch House October 1 The Taste of Ransom Canyon 6-9pm ~ The Ranch House October 9 Ransom Canyon POA Meeting ~ 6pm ~ The Ranch House October 17 City Council Meeting ~ 6:30 pm ~ The Ranch House October 24 Steering Committee meetings ~ 6:00pm-7:15pm ~ The Ranch House Community Forum Meetings TBA


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A Lakeshore Drive Ransom Canyon, TX  79366


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