Welcome to the month of October, Ransom Canyon! As you drive to town do you notice the cotton plants maturing in the field? Have you observed the changing of the seasons with the cooler morning temperatures and recent rains? Did you see the sun rising later and setting earlier? Have you considered using your talents to make Ransom Canyon a better place to live? If so, please reach out to the RC POA and volunteer those talents to your community. Do you want to be more involved? Email the RC Property Owners Association Board
A Message from the RC POA Board:
As our season turns officially to fall in the Canyon, the pool is closing out its season and we are happy to announce that the numbers are up $12,000.00 compared to last season. The final number for this summer is $36,000.00! Many thanks Monica, the pool committee and her amazing staff for making this season a success. Just a brief reminder that the POA board meetings are the second Monday of each month at 6:00pm. Steering committee meetings now have a dedicated day, the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00pmdown at the Ranch House. Taste of the Canyon will take place this Sunday evening. Be sure to purchase tickets and enjoy all the amazing food! It was a wonderful event last year and sure to be even better this year! The POA currently have some things "in the works" which have prevented us from setting our first revitalization meeting up. As soon as we have some of this business handled, we will be communicating with you a date and time to reconvene. We have some fabulous, hard-working volunteers and if you would like to be involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a board member or come down to a meeting. We, the board, hope you are having a lovely beginning of fall. I, for one, am very happy to not see high temperatures, rain or no rain! Best to all! Candice Omberg POA President
2nd Annual Taste of the Canyon

The Social Events & Activities Steering Committee wish to thank everyone that attended , volunteered, and contributed to the success of the 2nd Annual Taste of Ransom Canyon, a Culinary Event on Sunday evening. The weather cleared just in time to allow guests to dine outside and enjoy the good food, conversation with friends, great jazz, and beautiful views of thecanyon. Participating contributors included Aspen Creek, Italian Garden, Teddy Jack’s, River Smith’s Catfish, E&J Smokehouse Grill, Triple J Chophouse & Brewery, Bigham BBQ, Plaza Mexican Food, United Market Street, Dynamic Foods, Tony Chachere’s, Cheesecake Royale Gourmet, Cap*Rock Winery, Rhapsody of Austin, and Meridian Hive (Mead). Congratulations go to the Top 3 Vendors chosen by popular vote: First Place, E&J Smokehouse Grill; Second Place, Italian Garden; Third Place (a tie), Aspen Creek and Meridian Hive. Plans are already in the works for next year! Please add the First Annual Ransom Canyon Family Turkey Trot to your holiday schedule! Bring your family and guests and join your neighbors for a walk (or trot) through our beautiful canyon on Friday, November 24th. We will gather at the entrance to the island at 9:00 AM. What better way to relax and work off all of the delicious food consumed on Thanksgiving Day...and then return home to watch football! Finally, the well-loved annual Ransom Canyon New Years Eve Party is on for 2017 at the Ranch House! Watch for details on tickets, reserving tables, etc. in the next Echo!

A Message from the Chapel
Calling all artists, authors, bakers & generally creative people!
The 33rd annual Christmas Tour of Homes is hoping to offer a unique door prize:
A Ransom Canyon Gift Basket
You can attach a business card to your creation and hopefully it will spread the word about our creative and talented Canyon residents!
We hope to be able to mention your name in the publicity in order to make it worth your time and effort. Most of all, your creation donation will benefit our Canyon treasure- The Ransom Canyon Memorial Chapel.
Call Terry Dennis @ 806-787-7873 and leave a message to donate your item. Thank you in advance!
Community ideas, input and involvement is critical to the success of our Ransom Canyon POA. As we move into the next chapter of our POA we have many important decisions facing us. With help from property owners, working together with the POA Board, we can develop and execute plans that will offer the changes and amenities that will serve to better meet the needs of the property owners. Meeting Dates & Times: The 4th Tuesday each month 6:00-7:30 pm, at the Ranch-House volunteer steering committee meetings will take place. Tuesday, Oct 24 Tuesday, Nov 28 No Meeting in December Each meeting will start with a quick overall POA update then break into individual committees to work on action plans that meet the needs of property owners. The meeting will close with brief 3-minute update from each committee to everyone attending. Steering Committee Leads prior to each meeting should prepare agendas, ask someone to take good notes and create recap from each meeting that can be shared with the POA Board and Heidi Wilson for insertion in the Echo Newsletter. If committee’s have specific needs such as additional volunteers for specific activities include that inthe recap and so Heidi Wilson can make a plea in the Echo to our property owners. Please get involved and help make a difference. Questions? Email us!
The New POA Website
A new era of the Ransom Canyon POA website is almost ready (our goal is November 1) for you to navigate. It is a work in progress and so things will change from time to time; until we get it just right. A big "thank you" to Cassie Wenzel for volunteering her expertise to the POA. It is our hope that you will pay your yearly POA dues, Ranch House rentals and pool memberships electronically through the website. This is another avenue in which we, as the POA, want to be totally transparent with you.

The winners of the October Yard of the Month are #18 Foothill Drive (Troyce Woods) and #76 South Lakeshore Drive (Ron & Jan Childress). Thank you to these homeowners who make our canyon a beautiful place to live. These homes have a "YOM" sign in their yard to recognize their homes - go and check them out! Thank you to Berkshire Hathaway Realtors: Becky Harvey, Phyllis Lutrick, Ron Mouser and to McDougal Relator: Sue Keveryn, for sponsoring the "YOM" signs. TheBeautification Committee of the RC POA will award 2 YOM winners in the months April-December.
CALENDAR October 1 The Taste of Ransom Canyon 6-9pm ~ The Ranch House October 9 Ransom Canyon POA Meeting ~ 6pm ~ The Ranch House October 17 City Council Meeting ~ 6:30 pm ~ The Ranch House October 24 Steering Committee meetings ~ 6:00pm-7:15pm ~ The Ranch House November 5th Daylight Savings Time November 11 Veterans Day November 13 Ransom Canyon POA Meeting ~ 6pm ~ The Ranch House November 21 City Council Meeting ~ 6:30 pm ~ The Ranch House November 24 RC Family Turkey Trot ~ 9am ~ Island entrance November 28 Steering Committee meetings ~ 6:00pm-7:15pm ~ The Ranch House Community Forum Meetings TBA
Each month the POA Communications Committee will publish an email newsletter, The Echo, and it will reach your in box by the 5th of the month. Publication deadlines will be on or before the1st of each month. If you have information you would like published in The Echo, please emailthe RC POA, with the subject "The Echo", on or before the 1st of each month. All "last minute and late breaking" news and information will be distributed through NextDoor and Facebook.
To make available the most affordable amenities, which will protect and enhance quality of life and property values of our unique community!
Our mailing address is: A Lakeshore Dr. Ransom Canyon, TX 79366 Our email address is: ransomcanyonpoa@sptc.net 2017 POA Board Members: President: Candice Omberg Vice President: Bob Bellah Secretary: Wes Scholz Treasurer: Christi Underwood Board Members: Elroy Carson, Ronnie Hill, Carter Trew
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