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The Echo - January 2018


The Echo ~January 2018

Hello 2018! A new year brings the anticipation of fresh beginnings, hopeful resolutions and the wish that we will be mindful in the ways we conduct our lives. As a community, we have had some “growing pains” in 2017. As we move forward into the new year, let us look with intention and grace on how we can better our town. The Ransom Canyon POA would enjoy seeing you at our New Year’s Eve Celebration on Sunday evening and we send you this video as a holiday wish: Instrument of Peace

Celebrate a New Year With Us! The New Years Eve Party is coming up this SUNDAY night! Get your tickets from Christie 806-640-8045 or Val 806- 789-4881 or you can also purchase the tickets at the door. The party will be from 8PM until 1 AM at the Ranch House. The band, Lil Sister and The Lads, will play country and rock & roll music. There will be a special space set aside for those who like to visit that will be conducive for talking. We have great part favors, black eyed peas, corn-bread and a champagne toast. Mixers are provided but BYOB. Stay local - stay safe this New Years Eve!!!

A Message from the RC POA Board:

Greetings! It is the season of holidays winding down, resolutions being made and our beautiful lights being packed into boxes. I want to thank everyone this year who made their homes twinkle amd shine. It was an especially beautiful year for Christmas and Holiday lights. Thank you to all who came to the December 19th meeting. This is an unfortunate issue all around. At the end of the meeting, it was verbally stated by Mrs. Schmersey that they would accept the lease however we are still waiting for this to be finalized. As you all should know by now, if this agreement falls through, we will need a vote of 51% of the property owners to clear this issue up for this family and a vote to allow the land tramsfer from 2005. Of course, if the voters turn out and vote against this then we are back at square one. It is energy amd time consuming at this point for all parties involved. Once we get a definite answer either way, we will let the property owners know as soon as possible. Looking into the near and not so near future, please help us update the bylaws into a modern-day friendly document that will allow us to best navigate business in a more efficent manner. We are working on these for a POA vote. So when these are conpleted, please vote! If you are unhappy with how this current board is conducting business, please think about joining the board or a committee and volunteering your time. Our annual meeting is in April. Thank you, Candice Omberg POA President

Thank You, from the Chapel Committee

The Ransom Canyon 33rd Annual Christmas Tour of Homes on December 14th was a great success! The homes were fabulous, the weather perfect and the joyous spirit of Christmas was enjoyed by all! The proceeds from the Christmas Tour of Homes benefit the Ransom Canyon Memorial Chapel and are used for the upkeep and beautifying of the chapel and its gardens.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who helped to make the Ransom Canyon Christmas Tour of Homes possible.

First and foremost, thank you to our four gracious homeowners who made the Tour possible by volunteering to open their gorgeous homes. We can never thank each of you enough for all your hard work in making the Tour such a huge success!

  • Don & Mari Barron

  • Mike & Alice Cunningham

  • Dayne & Penny Golightly

  • Brandt & Christie Underwood

The Ransom Canyon Volunteer Fire Department & the Police Department did a super job with the extra traffic from the Tour in the Canyon. Thank you for all your help!

Many thanks to Ransom Canyon City Hall, the offices of Ed & Lisa Wentz, American Bank of Commerce, Centennial Bank, and Christian Brothers Automotive for selling tickets from your locations. We appreciate your support!

Thank you to all the talented residents who donated items for the Ransom Canyon Gift Basket door prize. Cindy Kennedy of Lubbock was the excited, lucky winner!

Thank you to the Sykora family & Smith Ford for the use of their van to shuttle passengers to the chapel; to Gene & Janet Chaney for storing the wreaths and signs; and to the Chapel Board & Share Group for all the decorating and support! Thank you to Paul Stapp & the Gospel Brass for providing beautiful Christmas music at the Chapel! To hear their music echoing in the Canyon was truly magical!

A huge thank you to all the many wonderful Canyon volunteers who baked delicious cookies, served refreshments and were monitors at the homes. We wish we could name all of you, but you know who you are; and we couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you and God bless you!!

The Christmas Tour Committee this year was composed of: Gayla Buxkemper - Linda Carson - Allison Collins - Corey Collins - Terry Dennis - Heidi Pettiet - Missy Smith – and Carol Farris.

A Note from The Beautification Committee

Members from the Beautification Committee met with City officials in an effort to clarify city property ordinances and POA by-laws and to see how the POA can support an effort to bring homes with overgrown yards, construction debris, long term damage, junk and other unsightly issues into compliance. We also approached the Ransom Canyon city council with a proposal to create a city/POA group that would monitor yard maintenance and will have more details soon. In the new year we will be reaching out to the owners of homes not in compliance with city ordinances/deed of restrictions to bring those houses back up to the common standard. If you have other ideas to beautify our town, please join us at the next steering committee meeting or email us.

The POA Website

The new POA website is live! This is another avenue in which we, as the POA Board, want to be totally transparent with you. You can also find important POA documents like the by-laws under the "More" tab, keep up with community activities and contact your board members. It is our hope that in the future you will pay your yearly POA dues, Ranch House rentals and pool memberships electronically through the website.

Yards of the Month Congratulations to all of the 2017 YOM winners: August #20 Highland Drive (Jerry Don Gladden) & #7 Tanglewood, (Denton & Allison Collins). September #34 Sioux (Ralph & Patricia Chilton) and #53 East Canyon View (JR & Jeretta Landry) October #18 Foothill Drive (Troyce Woods) and #76 S. Lakeshore Drive (Ron & Jan Childress) November #10 Ridge Road (Vance & Lindsey Schuette) and #8 S. Lakeshore Drive (Walker & Anne Sims) December: #19 Sunrise Lane (Randy & Billie Armstrong) and #24 South Lakeshore Drive (Allen & Maralyn Butler). Thank you to Berkshire Hathaway Realtors: Becky Harvey, Phyllis Lutrick, Ron Mouser and to McDougal Relator: Sue Keveryn, for sponsoring the "YOM" signs. The Beautification Committee of the RC POA will award 2 YOM winners in the months April-December.

Exciting Things at the Ransom Canyon Center

Keep your New Year's resolution and come join FIT (formerly 3523 Fitness) up at the Ransom Canyon Shopping Center. Under new ownership. 1/2 of registration for the month of January. Call Amy 806-392-1622

The folks at Farm To Fork are in the process of hiring staff and are set to be open mid-January. You have also probably noticed Get A Room Furniture Store has opened in the shopping center, as well. Check them out on their FB page.

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