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June 2018


Summer is here along with the opening of the RC Pool and the installation of new board members. The POA Board thanks Candice Omberg and Wesley Scholz for their faithful service to our community and welcomes new members: Denton Collins & Mark Moore and returning member: Carter Trew. The POA Beautification Committee has chosen 2 lovely properties to recognize as "The Yard of the Month". For the month of June the committee chose to recognize yards that employ xeriscaping. Congrats to the Ransom Canyon City Hall and to William & Libby Draughon (60 E. Lakeshore Dr.).


POA News

We have updated the sign in the parking lot of the Ranch House and we think you are going to really like it! As you head to the pool to see Monica and her staff, be sure to check it out. The POA Board met briefly on Tuesday, May 29, to install new board members, elect officers and discuss a recent petition. Elroy Carson is the board president, Denton Collins is vice president, and Mark Moore has been appointed the new treasurer. In the Board's discussion of the petition, the group decided that the current storage for the Ladies Luncheon was sufficient and that the Ranch House donor recognition art work would be display in a more prominent location. The Events Committee would like to thank those who participated in the "Burgers, Pies and Dogs" meal prior to the annual meeting in May. Please join our committee as we plan events for the upcoming year! We would love to work with you and hear your unique ideas while making friends along the way. Contact Val 789-4881 or Georgette 789-8165 to get involved. The Communications committee would also like to invite volunteers to help edit The Echo and the POA website. Please email Heidi if you would like to spend a few hours a month volunteering. Sincerely On Behalf Your Volunteer Board of Directors


From City Hall

On May 14, 2018, Mayor Billy Williams submitted a letter of resignation, citing health concerns. Seven days later, on May 21, 2018, Ingram Rich was appointed and sworn in as Alderman to fill the council seat vacated by Michael Brooks. This action was in accordance with Texas law and prevented the additional expense of a special election. Mayor Pro-Tem, Jana Trew, will preside over City Council meetings. We thank Mr. Williams for his service as Mayor and we wish him years of good health.

The Operations Department is monitoring mosquito traps and will probably be spraying for mosquitoes in the coming weeks; you will receive a City email notifying you of spraying.

Watch out for rattlesnakes!

Independence Celebrations Hosted by the RC Volunteer Fire Department Mark your calendars for these July community events: July 3 Fishing Contest sponsored by Cabella's from noon until 5:30. July 3 Hotdogs & Hamburgers at The Ranch House from 6pm-8pm. Donations, please. July 4 Parade through the canyon from 10am-noon. Participants gather at the fire house at 9:30. July 4 BBQ at The Ranch House. $12 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Odd house # bring a salad and even house # bring a dessert.


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A Lakeshore Drive Ransom Canyon, TX  79366


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